Cyberselfish: Ravers, Guilders, Cyberpunks, And Other Silicon Valley Life-Forms

Paulina Borsook
4 YALE SYMP. L. & TECH. art. no. 4

Many of you here, I am sure, have ambitions to become policy wonks. Conversely, many of you, I am also sure, have come of age during a time when the stockholder theory of value and deregulation and free-markets have been held as the only and highest good, and government at best is seen as a semi-dangerous, semi-dunderheaded animal. You have instrumental intelligence, or you wouldn’t be in law school. Law-making and law-appealing and law-fudging and law-working- around are, of course, on your agenda. In addition, many of you here may have ambitions to go work for “” or to find new ways to profit from the raging intellectual property wars. I am not going to help you with any of that. Instead, I am going to talk about and make fun of, to some degree, the culture of high-tech.
